CHURCH 301-432-8741 | CLC 301-432-6042

Make Your Offering Online


Take advantage of our new, convenient way to accept offerings and donations. You can use this same link to access your personal, online giving once you’ve created your online account.

Click here to sign up!


Giving Electronically

Mt. Nebo offers an electronic option for making regular offerings. Contributions can be debited automatically from your checking or savings account or processed using your credit or debit card. This electronic giving program offers convenience for you and provides the much-needed donation consistency for the congregation.

If you are currently giving on a weekly basis, you will no longer need to write out 52 checks a year or prepare 52 envelopes. And, when traveling, during an illness or other circumstances preventing you from attending services, this program allows your weekly offerings to continue on an uninterrupted basis.

Contributions can be set to one-time or on a recurring basis as weekly or monthly. The benefits of setting up a recurring donation reduces check writing for frequent donors, allows donations to continue uninterrupted during absences, allows donations to be spread out over time, reduces Mt. Nebo’s administrative costs and consumes fewer resources than paper check processing.


What is electronic giving?

Electronic giving offers church members a convenient, safe and simple way to make regular church offerings without the need to write checks carry cash or prepare envelopes. It is confidential and secure. It is done directly through a new link on our church’s website.

Why is electronic giving good?

  • Provides convenience for those that choose to use it
  • Keeps you on track with stewardship and tithing 
  • Guarantees your uninterrupted support to our church
  • Provides you with one of today’s most popular payment methods

Who do we work with?

Partners in electronic giving since 2002 – VANCO is a merchant services provider that helps education, faith-based and other nonprofit organizations accept payments online and via credit card. They are trusted by more than 20,000 churches. Mt. Nebo has been using VANCO since 2015 for online contributions via a VANCO-hosted webpage accessed through the church website. The entire process is secure, easy and effective for you and our church.

How do I do electronic giving?

Click HERE to sign-upFollow the onscreen instructions to create an online profile and to schedule your contributions


If you have any questions, please contact Toni Wetzel at 240-217-1961.

Thank you for supporting the ministries of Mt. Nebo UMC!

Ways to Worship on Sunday

Preschool Review

Mt. Nebo has been a wonderful place for my 3 year old son and I can’t wait for my 1 year old to start at the preschool as well. My son always has a smile on his face when talking about the preschool. The teachers are phenomenal and the Christian education is superb. It’s hard trusting anyone to watch your children but I know my kids are being cared for while there… K. Deatrich